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Thursday, March 5, 2015

style crush: lily james


Unfortunately, Lily James and I got off on the wrong foot. She entered Downton Abbey at a time when the show had cruelly devastated me, and her arrival as the new flirty and rebellious Lady Rose did not aid in fixing my shattered heart. Through no fault of her own, I broke up with Downton and we went our separate ways.

Lucky for Lily and I, we've been granted a second chance. Spring is full of her lovely face, because the arrival of Disney's star March movie means the arrival of Lily James as Cinderella. 
Of course I am wholeheartedly committed to a certain other Cinderella adaptation, ahem Ever After, but let's remember that love doesn't deplete - it multiplies. There is always more room for more love and magic in the world. 


Here are a few of my favorite details about Lily James:

She was born the exact same day as my husband. April 5th, 1989. Fantastic people unite. 
She is British. Extra points for everyone who is British.
Her name is the same as Harry Potter's parents. R.I.P. Lily and James.
She began her acting career in 2010! She is the Bambi of Hollywood.
She smiles and laughs with her mouth open a lot, and it's really endearing.
She looks completely fantastic and natural in both blonde and brunette hair, which I find as rare a quality as being a unicorn. 
She is a unicorn.



I suppose I would call her style classic exquisite. She exudes royal femininity with the long, sweeping gowns and classic silhouettes while also embracing some fantastic lace and embroidery (give it up for that chameleon-covered dress above - I want it). It's easy to forget that she's my age (younger, actually), but that girlish charm certainly serves her well. I think she'll make an excellent Cinderella. I cannot wait. 

I know she's dating Matt Smith from Dr. Who, but I quite enthusiastically wish she was actually in love with her Prince Charming co-star Richard Madden. I have a problem separating fantasy from reality. 
But really, lookit.

If this isn't actually Cinderella and Prince Charming, then I really don't know a dang thing. And I might be okay with that. Delusions, continue. 




See Cinderella March 13th! I'll see you there.

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