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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

wanderlust wednesday

Lacock Abbey. The village of Lacock, Wiltshire, England. March 2013. 

One of my first Wanderlust Wednesday posts featured photos from this magical place.

The village of Lacock, other than having a name that makes me giggle no matter how many years I mature to, is a charming 13th century village in England. We had the pleasure of visiting it in the middle of a multiple-stop tour from London. We were only stopping in the village for a quick lunch break, but Dustin and I broke from our tour group and guide (with her permission) to go tour Lacock Abbey instead. It had special importance to us, being one of the main filming locations for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. 

The abbey is country chic. While we were visiting, there was an art show of some kind going on, featuring various statues and sculptures around the property. It was quite providential that the one in the middle of the intricate courtyard happened to be a unicorn. We weren't mad about it.

The abbey was fairly quiet and had very few other visitors while we were there, which made it particularly easy to imagine we were touring a section of Hogwarts. The abbey was used to film several classrooms in the first movie, including Snape's, Quirrell's, and the room that held the Mirror of Erised. It was also used for a few hallway scenes, including the moment when Harry first hears the basilisk outside of Lockhart's office in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 

It was an exhilarating visit. It was very difficult to tear ourselves away from our imaginations when we knew it was time to meet the group again. I am personally thankful that my husband is an extrovert and was able to request this time alone for us, and that our tour guide was so kind and susceptible to adventurous spirits.

(You can read the original travel post over on my first blog here).

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