I love these tights.
They're a little whimsical and a little something wicked this way comes, if you ask me.
Halloween Eve called for a fancy dress in a toned-down outfit for work.
I felt a little strange, because I had categorized this dress as date night only kind of attire, but I think it works here, too. It reminds me a little bit of Jess Day from New Girl, and her uncanny ability to wear party dresses on a daily basis and still look totally natural. She wears these amazing dresses and coats as her everyday look, and it looks great, because it's her. She just looks like she belongs in them.
Dress: J. Crew, Boots (shop!): Urbanog, Tights (similar): Betsey Johnson |
This ended up being possibly my top favorite outfit of the entire Frocktober month. It was a little bit out of my comfort zone, with the edginess of the tights, but the colors and the dress and, I'll admit, that little bit of fierceness made me feel like a rockstar.
That's why we put thought into our outfits anyway, right? To feel like rockstars, and have the opportunity for that daily bit of artistry.
These photos have almost a Lady of Shalott vibe, with a little bit of a Halloween twist.
The Spider Lady of Shalott, perhaps?