Thursday, December 5, 2013

the question of velvet

Tegan Velvet Dress

If any of you guys were born somewhere in the mid to late eighties, and spent most of your childhood in the golden era of the nineties, then it's pretty much guaranteed that you wore velvet at one time or another.
Crushed velvet, even, God forbid.
I have vivid memories of my mother finally consenting to let me dress myself on a Sunday morning (against her better judgment, but I was insisting), and I chose my favorite purple velvet dress and my black hat with leopard trim.
That outfit still haunts me to this day. Granted, it's also one of my favorite things about my younger self, that I was so in love with leopard that I added it to nearly every outfit, no matter the cost.

Nowadays, velvet gives me that kind of haunting feeling. The heebie jeebies, almost. I'm not sure if it's tied to those days of young fashion faux pas, or if I just genuinely dislike the fabric.
Whatever the reason, my first reaction to the current reappearance of velvet as a trend this winter has been quite negative. Of the oh god no variety.
However, it has also caused me to reevaluate just why I dislike it so much. The sheen? The old-timey feeling? The texture? Tacky velvet posters? I'm not sure.

I had a twitter chat with Ruche about velvet, because they have been featuring a lot of it in their new arrivals as of late -- they think I should give it another chance. And, I have to admit, the dresses they mentioned are actually quite pretty -- they're just a touch of velvet, and have intrigued me enough to consider giving it a try.

Subtle Nuance
Lady Macbeth
Nocturne Brocade

These dresses almost trick you into thinking you're not wearing velvet, until someone gives you a hug and exclaims, Oh happy Christmas! You're so soft!

Maybe I don't hate velvet. Or maybe watching Reign has just softened me up to looking like a medieval queen. Either way, I think it's safe to say that I'm not one to throw out a style without trying it -- or at least considering it.
I will never wear velvet leggings, though, and I think that's for everyone's benefit. So you're welcome.

I will also never wear a purple velvet dress with a leopard hat again.
Well, alright. No promises.