Tuesday, August 12, 2014

remix: hummingbird dress

collection of old posts: 1 // 2 // 3 

Me and this dress go way back. 
These photos are all over the place, taken over the course of a few years (and a few camera upgrades), but I really wanted to show the mixology of this one simple piece. It is probably the most creatively layered item in my closet. I generally love a good dress because it's so independent, but it also plays well with others. Wear it alone and it's good to go. Tuck it into a skirt, and it's a secret blouse (no one will know!). Layer a sweater or loose top over it, and it's a featured skirt. With a tank-top dress like this one, you can also get really creative in the winter using a thin turtle neck or button-up to layer underneath. And obviously a dress with a fun print can take part in all of this grand layering while also dabbling in pattern mixing!
The funny thing is, this dress would definitely be labeled as a Spring dress. Yet most of the photos above were taken in generally cool/cold weather. I laugh in the face of seasonal dresses. 
Be bold, and wear hummingbirds in the snow, my friends.