Happy (belated) Halloweeny, friends!
I had so much fun yesterday dressing up at the office as...can you already guess it?...The Book Thief!
I was maybe a little too pleased with my last-minute literary pun costume, but everyone at work loved it. It was also great because I didn't have to buy anything! (It's true, I had this leather mask lying around from my 1998 trip to the Renaissance Festival, coincidentally the same year that Zorro came out in theatres...). The comfy striped sweater (remixed here) was perfect for the criminal look. I love creative costumes that are assembled from things you already own!
We didn't have plans to dress up for any evening Halloween festivities this year, so I just enjoyed the costume throughout the day! We went to a little harvest festival at my parents church and then came home to watch a movie and drink butterbeer floats (because Halloween and Harry Potter go great together). Not much to complain about there!
I hope you all had a really fun and safe Halloween. I look forward to one day having little trick-or-treaters at our door, and decorating our house and handing out candy. Growing up we never had any trick-or-treaters because we lived so far out of town, so it will be a big change if we move into a neighborhood next year and have to worry about buying bags and bags of candy to give out to all of the little zombies, witches and ghouls!
As always, I am sad to see Frocktober go. I obviously won't be boycotting dresses because they're still my favorite thing to wear, but the daily challenge is at an end. Time for cold weather (pretty please, Arizona!), skinny jeans, tights, boots, sweets, sparkly sweaters.
Enjoy your week of candy and sugar highs!
Happy November!