Four days from now, I will be on a plane for London, England.
Dustin and I are taking a grand adventure to London and Paris, for a romantic getaway that will include shopping, snacking on crepes and baguettes, sight-seeing, fine cuisine and lots and lots of pictures!
I honestly can't wait to do an outfit photo shoot in front of the Eiffel Tower.
In planning for this trip, I'm realizing
how much there is to see around Europe. It's absolutely daunting.
I have four days to pull myself together, finish packing, and figure out all the must-sees of our adventure!
Dress: Gifted, Top: J. Crew, Jacket: Gifted, Necklace: Cookie Lee (teal), Lia Sophia (gold), Shoes: Bought in Ireland |
Testing myself for the overcast days overseas, I tried out some layering with my amazing leather jacket last week.
Unfortunately, I almost froze to death on this photo shoot, and quickly realized that my Arizona blood is still very much attuned to warm weather. I'm going to need much warmer clothing for the 40 and 50 degree rainy weather we'll be having!
I've been closely following (and getting advice from!) Melina from
The Caffeinated Closet.
She took some
very similar trips (check out her
travel section on her blog), and even has a "
creative layering" section that I've been using to take some notes for my suitcase. :)
If any of you have any further tips or outfit ideas, please feel free to comment!
And in the mean time, keep up with my
Instagram for photo updates on our trip.
We'll be posting at least one photo per day of our experience, and I look forward to posting some outfit photos when we return!
Wish me luck with my packing endeavors!!